As Trump seems determined to move the Dakota Access Pipeline forward, the controversy about this project is bound to reignite. I used to be agnostic on the merits of the claims made by the opponents of the project until after it was halted,…
I wrote a slightly different version of this post on Facebook the day before the election, in order to argue why it was irrational to buy the claims made by some pundits, such as Sam Wang from the Princeton Election…
I recently decided to explore the literature about the relationship between slavery and capitalism. I did so after reading this article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, although I had planned to do this for a while. After reading Seymour Drescher’s history…
Fillon a donné une interview au Monde, dont l’essentiel porte sur la politique étrangère, dans laquelle il est absolument excellent. Je ne crois pas qu’un dirigeant européen majeur ait pris des positons aussi claires sur les questions que Fillon aborde dans cet…
The Obama administration spent billions of dollars to overhaul the nation’s worst schools and, according to a study produced by the federal government, it didn’t produce any significant results. As the author of the article notes, this will no doubt help DeVos…
Steve Sailer talks about a study from 1978 which shows that, after Warsaw was rebuilt in the aftermath of WW2 by the socialist government whose policy was to allocate housing, schools and hospitals without regard to social class, IQ was unrelated to neighborhood but…
Kenneth Vogel and David Stern have a very good piece in Politico on the efforts by the Ukrainian government to undermine Trump during the campaign and how they are trying to make amends now that he won. It’s worth noting that, while the…
It’s that time of the year, when Oxfam releases the same report it releases every year and the New York Times, the Guardian and the other usual suspects publish the same misleading headlines about it. The problem is that, as many…