A paper with a lot of interesting data about the representation of women in philosophy journals has just been published in Philosophical Studies. The authors used data from 25 top philosophy journals and found that, compared to their share of professional…
Month: May 2017
Some people have expressed frustration with my last post about the Russia/ Trump nonsense, on the ground that it’s not as detailed as usual. It’s true that it isn’t, but as I explained, that’s because I don’t have time. If…
The Nation published a piece about the history of Modern Monetary Theory. I’m very skeptical about MMT, but I’ve been meaning to read some of the literature about it for some time now. If you know a good introduction, please share…
As you probably know, unless perhaps you have spent the last few days in a monastery, Robert Mueller was appointed as special counsel to lead the investigation into the alleged collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russian officials. This came after the…
I recently discovered this amazing post on Random Critical Analysis, which argues very convincingly that, despite a widespread belief to the contrary, the US doesn’t actually spend significantly more on health care than other developed countries once you take into…
I recently started Homage to Catalonia by Orwell, which somehow I had never read. It’s quite good so far and I just read this very amusing passage: One of the dreariest effects of this war has been to teach me that…
A few days ago, Rod Dreher wrote a piece in The American Conservative about a 4 year old interview of Tommy Curry, a professor of philosophy at Texas A&M University. (I would like to add that, although I’m going to criticize…
Several articles recently pointed out that the widespread view that many people who voted for Trump had “buyer remorse” wasn’t really backed up by any good evidence and could just be wishful thinking. This article in the Washington Post discusses…
Comme prévu, Macron a été élu dans un fauteuil, tandis que Le Pen s’est pris une rouste monumentale. D’après les résultats du Ministère de l’Intérieur, elle ne fait même pas 34%, alors que Macron fait légèrement plus de 66%. Elle…
For reasons I have already discussed, Le Pen is about to get trounced by Macron in the second round of the French presidential election (all the more so because she did a very poor campaign and was very bad during the debate), but…