Links – 02/02/2017

  • Reuters had a pretty good article on the H-1B visa program, which people who think it’s just about bringing geniuses to work in tech companies should probably read, especially since Trump’s administration is reportedly having a look at it.
  • Paul Mulshine wrote a good op-ed against people who say that Trump is crazy. What he says is pretty much how I feel every time I hear someone say that. I always wonder where those people were during the past few decades. When I say that, people invariably tell me that, although Bush and Obama may have been crazy, Trump will be far worse. Well, perhaps he will, but I think it’s highly unlikely. For instance, I doubt that he will spend several trillions of dollars on wars in the Middle East, as both Obama and, even more so, Bush have done. Indeed, his basic view of the role of the US in the world seems to utterly lack the kind of messianism which, for the most part, is what has allowed this insanity to happen. Similarly, since the civil war started in 2011, the US has been indirectly but knowingly supporting Al Qaeda in Syria. Unlike the allegations that Russia hacked the Democratic party and released the material it had stolen to help Trump, this can be proven beyond reasonable doubt based on the evidence that is publicly available, so it’s not a crazy theory. In other words, the US government has been supporting for several years a group that is responsible for the death of thousands of people on American soil, just because it served the goal of overthrowing Assad, which is pretty crazy if you ask me. Of course, not a lot of people know that, because journalists are not doing their job, but it’s absolutely indisputable. Now, say what you want about Trump, but for all his faults (which are numerous), I don’t believe for a second that he would do that.
  • As you may know, Tulsi Gabbard recently made a trip to Syria during which she met with Assad, which apparently caused “a unanimous feeling of shock and disgust” among her colleagues in Congress”. Gabbard is one of the few sane people on Capitol Hill and should be applauded for her courage. I wonder if the Congressmen who are so shocked by her visit to Syria will vote the legislation that she proposed to prevent the US government from providing support to terrorist groups. Actually, I do not, I already know they won’t.
  • According to the imam of his mosque, the man who claimed that his mother died because of Trump’s executive order lied, since she died a few days before that. I don’t know yet whether that’s true, but it wouldn’t be surprising. When a story sounds too “good” to be true, it usually isn’t true, but people on both sides of the aisle usually don’t care much about this. (I heard Sean Hannity similarly assume that the man who attacked a mosque in Québec was a muslim, which turned out to be false even though witnesses initially claimed that the attacker had screamed “Allahu Akbar”.)
  • Angela Wu, a human rights lawyer, wrote a good analysis of Trump’s executive order on immigration. I don’t agree with everything, and it has this catholic undertone that really annoys me, but it’s still very interesting and she is definitely right about the most stupid aspects of this order.

2 thoughts

  1. Do you have any links or sources about the U.S. supporting Al Qaeda? I don’t find it surprising–when you’re spending trillions of dollars it’s hard for some money not to indirectly benefit just about everything in its proximity. I’d be interested in the extent

    1. I can’t think of anything in particular, and I don’t have time to look for a good summary of the evidence, but it’s easy to find if you look it up. On that issue, as well as on foreign policy in general, I particularly recommend You can find plenty of evidence in articles which I have been published on this website. But this is probably enough to support the claim I make above:

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