Temporarily off Twitter

Just so you know, I temporarily deactivated my Twitter account last week because I really need to get shit done, but everything is fine and I should be back shortly. Since I keep receiving emails asking me what happened, I figured that I should probably write a post to explain this. I wasn’t banned or suspended by Twitter, nor am I undergoing some kind of existential crisis, I just have a lot of work to do and Twitter was a huge distraction, so I decided that getting rid of the temptation until I have made enough progress was the best option. Moreover, I’m going to Bordeaux this weekend, where I plan to be in a constant state of drunken stupor for the whole duration of my stay. This means that I won’t be getting any work done while I’m there, which in turn means that I have to do as much work as possible beforehand, lest I end up behind schedule, which to be honest I already am.

As some of you know, I’m creating a company and, while I can’t really tell you what it’s about yet, I can tell you that I have a lot of coding to do and that it’s what I’m currently working on. I will be able to tell you more about this project soon, but in the meantime, I’m held to secrecy. Let’s just say that it somehow combines finance, politics and research, which should be mysterious enough to make you curious without actually revealing anything. Hopefully, I can make a living from it, which would allow me to work on my other projects such as this blog and not to have a boss. I think it’s a good idea and I suspect that many of the readers of this blog will be interested, but I guess we’ll see. Since some of you also asked about that, I’m not working on my dissertation, whose last chapter I actually sent a few weeks ago. I’m still waiting for comments on it, and I have to make revisions on another chapter, but right now I don’t have time.

4 thoughts

  1. Je suis bien content que vous ayez pris la peine d’écrire cet article car il y a un ou deux jours, j’étais à une rognure d’ongle d’encombrer votre messagerie avec un courriel vous exhortant à vous expliquer sur les raisons de votre soudaine absence de Twitter.

    Bonne caisse bordelaise, en vous souhaitant bien du succès dans vos projets et au plaisir de vous lire de nouveau.

  2. Good to hear from you Philippe. Looking forward to finding out about whatever your new project involves

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