I argued in another post that, despite what most American liberals believe, racism can only explain a relatively small part of the white/black gap in incarceration rates. (If you haven’t read it yet, you should probably do so before you read…
One of the most enduring myths of American politics, which is shared by people on both the left and the right, is that Reagan dealt a death blow to the welfare state. In fact, despite some cuts, he left the programs created by…
I’m sorry that I’ve been too busy to write much lately, but I plan to start posting more on the blog soon. In the meantime, I came across this great testimony by Richard Muller, who is professor of physics at…
After I published my post the racial disparity in incarceration rates, someone recommended this piece by Adolph Reed, which is absolutely excellent. I think it’s exactly what a consistent and intelligent progressive should say about this. The pharmaceutical industry is…
If you’re interested in economic policy, Matt and I have been talking about Sanandaji’s book more, so perhaps you will find our discussion interesting. It started in the comments of my post about the book, but continued in the comments of this…
According to the Pew Research Center, relative to white men, black men are disproportionately imprisoned by a factor of almost 6.5. In my experience, American liberals believe that racism in the criminal justice system explains the bulk of that disparity or,…
Brian Boutwell and J. C. Barnes argue on Quillette that many results in sociology may be confounded by genetics, but we don’t know for sure because social scientists use research designs that don’t account for that possibility. In particular, they mention neighborhood effect, which…
I don’t have time to post anything new on the blog right now, but in case you’re interested, I got some interesting pushback from Earthly Knight and Matt in the comments of my post about Nima Sanandaji’s book the other…
It’s very common for progressives, especially in the US, to extoll the alleged virtues of left-wing socio-economic policies by presenting Scandinavian social democracies as models to emulate. But the argument based on the success of these countries is flawed for…
I have added a “top posts” page, which can be accessed through a link in the menu under the header, that contains a list of posts which I think are interesting, but that people might have missed if they only started reading…