Alex Nowrasteh and Andrew Forrester just published a piece which they claim to show that, in the US, immigrants don’t litter more than natives. Here is how Nowrasteh, in his inimitable style, shared the piece on Twitter. I started my…
A couple of days ago Mansa Keita, a computer scientist, tweeted about a 16-year-old black prodigy who lives in the UK: A quick Google search reveals this story had first been reported in 2014, back when Ramarni — Wilfred is…
Just so you know, I temporarily deactivated my Twitter account last week because I really need to get shit done, but everything is fine and I should be back shortly. Since I keep receiving emails asking me what happened, I…
NOTE: This post is a slightly longer version of a piece I recently published on The Federalist. Their editor asked me to cut some passages because it was a bit long, but I figured that readers of my blog would…
My post on falsificationism turned out to be a lot more popular than I expected. I’m particularly glad that many scientists seem to have found it useful, since I primarily wrote it for them. On the other hand, it also…
Karl Popper famously defended the view, known as falsificationism, that what distinguishes science from non-science is falsifiability. On this view, a theory is scientific if and only if it’s falsifiable, at least in principle. What this means for a theory…
Just so you know, I have installed Polylang, a plugin for WordPress that helps you create a multilingual website. So you can now switch between English and French by clicking on the little flag in the top menu and it…
It has become common to blame polarization for a variety of social ills and, while I often disagree with what people say about the causes of polarization (I think they are much deeper than people realize and therefore more difficult…
Après l’effroyable attentat de Christchurch, qui a vu un terroriste d’extrême-droite assassiner près de 50 personnes, nous avons assisté à une véritable hystérie collective à gauche au sujet de la “théorie du grand remplacement”, parce que le criminel y a…
As I was busy not working on my dissertation, not only have I not written much in the past year or so, but most of it has been off the blog. So I wanted to write a post quickly to…